I'm having "a day" today. Feeling a tad overwhelmed with the everyday... bills, meals, bills, money, bills, bills, appointments, bills, meetings, bills, errands. I'm not sure exactly what it is, just a dreary day even though the sun is shining. I don't know, I guess it could be because I'm paying bills. Or should I say, trying to pay bills today.
These are the moments that make me feel like I really need a double octane gallon of coffee with every imaginable add-in known to man. All of the very UNhealthy add-ins. Yes let's use the real whipping cream, not 1% milk that some losers try to pass off as cream. I mean COME ON, what in the world is 1% milk anyway?!? It looks like the water that runs off a paint brush when you're cleaning it. And just forget the taste because there is NO taste!
Next add-in. SUGAR. Oh you read it correctly, yes you did. I want so much sugar packed in this puppy that I feel like a 5 year old visiting Disney World for the first time.
I'm not done. Man alive, you must be some sort of wimp if you thought that was it! One word... chocolate. I have estrogen therefore I need chocolate. Someday, when I care, I'll study the connection between estrogen and chocolate cravings. Until then I'll just continue thanking my lucky stars. So pour in the truffle chocolate BABY!!
(If I don't have immediate heart failure) After I've finished this off I imagine my day will be looking up considerably.