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This blog is 99% humor with a dash of 1% serious. Go ahead, sit back, relax and enjoy the funnier side of everyday life. Whatever you do, DON'T forget to read the older posts. Each one is an animal all of it's own, REALLY! ***********ALSO... In each "FRUGAL FIX" post I give out awesome coupon codes and freebies. WEEEEE!! Stay tuned to consume!



Okay, let's review.

First, we got inspired by someone else's brainchild here at Wordless Wednesday.  Next, we got our feet wet by giving it a shot ourselves here with Moron Monday.  You know what?  I think it's going very well, so well in fact that I'm referring to myself as 'we' instead of 'I', REALLY!  With that in mind and keeping our mental engines revving, we now present to you...

Toothless Tuesday!!!!!!!!   WOOOOWOOOOO!!!!!!!

This is a shout out to all my peeps with partials and false chompers.  You know who you are!  Sure, they may look real and they may feel real but...
they aren't real;)

Have a great Toothless Tuesday, and remember, love 'em & brush 'em like they're your own!


Monday. You know what that means...

It's Moron Monday!!!!!!!
(Come on everybody, let's get on the ball!  Why stop with "Wordless Wednesday"?!  Why should everyone else have all the fun tagging the days of the week with cutie pie names - we can do it too!  Really!!)

Ever feel like you run into more morons on Monday than any other day of the week?  What a coincidence because I do too!  It always goes a little bit like this...

Texas Longhorns Musical Vintage Alarm ClockQUIKRETE COMPANIES 112447 PORTLAND CEMENT 47 LBYour Monday begins about normal.  Your alarm goes off at O' dark morning, you hit the off button which always seems to have migrated to a different spot on the clock during the night.  Get up, get the family going who appears to have been set in cement.  Once the kids finally get to school, you ignite the rocket boosters to really get something done!  Only to be slowed down by people still on weekend mode!  It seems like everyone you run into on a Monday must not have received the proper nutrition over the weekend.  Maybe they didn't get enough fluids and their brain is slightly dehydrated and shriveled.  Possibly Mondays are like Full Moons, these people would normally be wedged at home staying blissfully out of our way, but feel the need to get up and go somewhere public because their pin worms are suddenly more active.  It's definitely food for thought.  So until you fall into bed tonight completely disoriented by fatigue from fighting off the morons... Happy Moron Monday!

South Shore Step One Collection Full / Queen 54/60-Inch Storage Platform Bed, Black


Yippeeeee! It's Wordless Wednesday!!!!!!

I don't see the point in Wordless Wednesday either. 


Bubba Bubba, wherefore art thou cometh?

Redneck Trucker Hat
Two Front Teeth (Red Lips) Baby PacifierTrailer Trash Doll 12" in Collector's BoxIn other words, who in the world is Bubba and why do parents nickname their kids after him?!  Of all nicknames that a kid can be strapped with, why Bubba?!  I mean REALLY!!  Bubba?!  Bubba sounds synonymous with kissing your first cousin, believing pop tarts are a nutritious breakfast and shopping at WalMart.  ewwww.  Now you might be thinking, who am I to talk?  Well, I have more experience with this type of thing than what you might imagine, even though I graduated from high school and even made it to *gasp* college.  I have a relative who is part of the Bubba phenomena.  I will change her name (see why here) to Stupid Head  Twit  Boob  .  Actually, it's probably best that I don't rename her.  So anyway, She calls her son Bubba.  She has done this since he was an infant.  Let's pause here for a second and examine the precious state of an infant.  I admit, when you see a tender brand new baby a person automatically wants to call them something nicknamey... such as Lovey, Punkin, Powder Puff,  Sweet Pea.  But, BUBBA?!?!  I am honestly dumbfounded and not just a little turned off by this strange occurrence.   She is also the same woman overgrown teenager that lets one of the six animals, that live inside the house, lick off the plates after a meal before She puts them on the counter to cure for 6 or 7 days before She washes them (would you like parisites with that pop tart?).   The trend continues. 
The only time I get the warm and fuzzies when someone is called 'Bubba' is when I read this book...
Bubba, The Cowboy Prince
So except for "Bubba The Cowboy Prince", I'm left with the same taste in my mouth that I started with.  For I never, to this day, have seen anything that has redeemed the aura that surrounds the nickname BUBBA.
BUBBA - Street Sign - new road redneck hillbilly gift novelty street sign road


Mirror Mirror On The Wall...

Sun inspired gold plated wall mirror - Style 31397It dawned on me one day that I really don't look in the mirror all that often.  You know all of the excuses - don't have time, in a hurry, it broke, I'm just naturally beautiful and don't need to etcetera etcetera. 

The "dawning" went a little like this...

Bad HairOne morning I got up, did all the routine Mommy and Me things, got dressed and fixed my hair.  I was feelin' pretty good (emphasis on pretty).  I wadded my long hair up into a chic messy bun, stuck in a few bobby pins (who is Bobby anyway?) and perkily went on my way, without ever glancing in the direction of a mirror.  Later that morning I met up with my own mother.  Of course I was excited to see her but I was caught a little off guard by the over zealous hysterical laughter that burst out of her mouth when she saw me.  I was more than eager to be let in on the joke, already smiling and chuckling a little bit with anticipation.  It took her a little while to catch her breath because as soon as she would get cleared up enough to talk she would burst into another round of sailor type belly laughing.  Finally she was able to squeak out through her tears of mirth, "Did you intentionally fix your hair that way or did you forget to fix your hair when you got up this morning?"  I was dumb founded, surely I did not know of what my mom was speaking... "HUH?  Say that again Mom."  Mom says, through another bout of chuckles that sounded suspiciously close to crying, "It looks like a rat is going to jump out of the middle of it all!"

Mind you, this is my MOTHER.  You know, the woman who loves me with every fiber of her being because I came from her womb.  I thought love was suppose to be blind or at least severely far sided.  But, alas, love has eyes that are not vision impaired. 

Star Wars Darth Vader and Princess Leia Humor "Bad Hair Day" Greeting CardOnce I returned home, I immediately dug up a dusty hand mirror from the bowels of a closet and used it to get a good 360 degree view of my 'do' using the hall mirror.  Hmmm.  Another look.  Wow, it's amazing how confident a person can feel without looking in a mirror.  And then how all that confidence disappears like a plate full of donut holes at a weight watchers meeting, when a little look-see is taken.  Yep, I guess I should take my own advise (did you forget what that was? oh for goodness sake, just click on the link already!It doesn't bite!) and start taking a better look in the mirror.  Or, on second thought, I'll just stick with the joy of oblivious confidence.

Warts, Pimples and Moles Facial Prosthetics Makeup Accessory